Right, basically assume that i have no idea about hosting and site building etc... best i know is how to put a pic on imageshack.
Ok, my overall goal is to eventually build myself a site that i can use for hosting my music videos and short films etc... For the time being though would at least like to just get the videos hosted so that i can post links to them. Free hosting would great but everytime i check out the suggestions in the "suggest free hosting" threads i just haven't got a clue which would be best for me, things like capacity and monthly bandwidth are obvious, but when it talks about things like mysql etc.. i'm lost. so i don't really want to make a mistake by just going for the one with the most capacity and bandwidth, and find out that in the long run when it comes to making the site i should have made sure the host had some other feature.
So what i'm really looking for is some links to places that explain making websites and hosting for beginners so that i can read up on it myself, any advice you'd have for me yourselves, any hosts you would recommend me and info on the why they'd suit my needs better etc... basically just looking for as much info as possible
It might be a lot easier than i think but i haven't got a clue where to start.
Cheers in advance guys.