Hi all
I'm moving back to my parents this weekend, but they don't have broadband, i'm not looking for broadband packages as i see there's already a thread for that. The problem is that my parents line rental is through a company called Unicom, so there are a lot of companies that won't offer broadband because they require a BT line and for the rental to be paid to BT. Unicom do offer broadband but it is rediculously expensive at £30 a month for a 1mb line.
The other probelm is that when i run the compatabillity check on the BT website it says there is an uncompatable device on the line which prevents ADSL being used. My parents have two phone lines but they are on the same wire/cable, i think one line is piggy backed onto the other, but i may be wrong. Could the second line be the incompatable device, and if it is, is there any way to keep the second line and get ADSL? Cable broadband is out of the question as we live in the country in the middle of nowhere, and i think satellite broadband will be too expensive, so are there any other options for getting broadband?
Hopefully thats not too confusing