Currently trying to get wireless working for a client.
We have tried the following and it has not worked
Belkin F5D8630uk4A Pre-N ADSL 2/2+ Wireless MIMO Router
Belkin F5D8000-4 108Mbps Wireless MIMO Pre-N Desktop Card
And we could not get a signal
The barrier is a 3-4ft thick stone wall and then a 25-30ft distance through modern day walls which are thin
The next solution is the following
Linksys WAG300N Wireless-N ADSL2+ Router
Linksys WMP300N Wireless-N Desktop Adapter
Now does anyone know what type of connector the router has for its aerials?
as we will be ordering either
Linksys HGA7S High Gain Antenna for R-SMA Connectors
Linksys HGA7T High Gain Antenna for R-TNC Connectors
for the router too.
If this does not work, then he wont be having wireless.