... is a good thing!
So an e-mail drops in my box today telling me to get something posted up in the blogz section as it's seen bugger all in the last few weeks... Taking a look, the last time I posted in here was just after getting back from Leipzig having attended the GCE...
So hopefully you guys and girls should have seen the coverage I posted about various and many games I saw at both Edinburgh and Leipzig... There was a fair whack of stuff to write up, and with both shows happening almost back to back and the travelling to and from each show, it's been a hell of a busy two weeks.
Funnily enough, I just about managed to catch up with all the stuff I'd seen and played when another couple of shows popped up that demanded my attention...
The first of these was GDCE, the Game Developers Conference, Europe. Held in the extremely posh Cafe Royale, Picadilly, this was a three day gathering of developers, coders and publishers, all getting together to talk games and all things games.
I was lucky enough to be able to sit on the the Microsoft developer day, which produced all that lovely Xbox 360 stuff and Chris Donahue from MS also treated me and the boss to a close look at Windows Vista from the gamers viewpoint...
But running alongside that was GME, Games Market Europe, which was where loads of publishers all flash off their wares for the benifit of the gaming press and each other... which was rather handy for making loads of new contacts and finally meeting people who I'd been talking to over e-mail or on the phone for ages.
But as soon as that finished on Thursday, I had just Friday to catch up again before buggering off on Saturday up to Sheffield to cover the CPL event up there on Saturday.... I have to say that that event is by far the most organized and well presented event so far, and the idea of shoutcasting from the stage with a huge widescreen monitor showing each players view as being a great idea...
And a little footnote to that trip 'oop North' is that I had to meet a man in a garage forecourt late at night to then deliver a certain package to a certain person who I then met in Sheffield.... but I'm sure all will become clear very soon... and no, I have been sworn to secrecy on pain of Rys' death if I utter a word about what it was in the box...