im in exactly the same position, got married July 2011, split up March 2012, her choice, since then she blows hot and cold and uses my daughter as a weapon against me to get what she wants. It has put me off relationships completely. As you said, i don't regret any of it, i loved her with all my heart, turned back on family for a while as she didn't get on with them, and that wasn't enough for her, for us there is no chance of reconciliation, she has shown her true colours, and maybe i rushed into a relationship, my 6 year one ended in the october and i was with my now wife in the november, i fell head over heels in love, moved 200 miles away from family and friends, and had some of the best days of my life with her. I have been graced with a daughter, who means so much to me i can't begin to put down in words. I can't say it gets easier, i have two emotions at the moment, eternal love for my daughter and family and seething hatred. I focussed that by joining a gym, you'd be surprised how many reps you can do when you are angry, its worth at least 2. So as a result, i am buying own house, with a room for my daughter to stay half the week, and I'm getting built like a Spartan Wrecking Machine Mk 3. All the advice i can give you is this, stay true to who you are, not to who anybody else wants you to be, and no matter what, spend every ounce of your energy on being the best dad you can for your children. If you are meant to be together you will be. best of luck