hahaha u guys! I did have (before this raptor) 2 old 80gig drives in Raid0 and i found it a little "laggy" every now and again, but that was on and old board and pants PC hehe but they did need defragging a lot.

Any who.. fans..

i did some digging and have this.

The striker manual states:

the fan connections support cooling fans of 350mA ~ 2000mA (24W max) or a total of 1A ~ 7A (84W max) at +12v.
Apparently the 1200 RPM fan i was looking at runs @ 12v 0.62w full speed with a power rating of 0.15A
if i were to put a number of these on the 2 or 3 headers the mobo can control the speed of and then perhaps 5/7v mod the others will i exceed the rating for the board?

Im affraid the numbers dont mean that much to me lol.

*i have counted out the 800RPM version of the fan as it fails to start @ 5v.
