Can anyone help, i have a ASUS P5N32-E SLI Plus MB and a Core duo 6800 extreme processor with 2gb (2x 1GB) matched DDR2 RAM from Corsair with EPP (CM2X-10248500C5D).
Bios settings are all default at the moment. Processor is running at 2.93Ghz with memory timings at 800mhz 5-5-5-18 1T.
I know nothing about overclocking but want to get the most from my memory. There is a SLI-Ready memory setting in the bios which has the following options 0%cpuoc, 1%cpuoc...5%cpuoc and max cpuoc.
When i put the setting to 0%cpuoc the memory timings run at 1027mhz 5-5-5-15 2T which is what i wanted.
My question revolves around what are the settings for and what do they do? I presume the other settings are used to overclock the processor? why then if i chose any of the other settings the memory still runs at the new speed and there is no difference to the speed of the processor 2.93 ghz)
Can anyone explain/help?
Whats the best way to achieve a processor oc? Leave the sli-ready settings at 0%cpuoc and change the multiplier? select AIoverclock in the bios and raise that setting?