Does anyone have any experience using the ASUS M2N32 SLI Deluxe?
I want my system to be as quiet as possible (read fewer fans) so this mobo with cooling fins and heatpipes instead of fans on the chipsets is a good move.
However but I've heard the NF590 runs hot and I was wondering how wise it was connecting four seperate chipsets together if they all weren't putting out the same heat as each other. i.e, would the VRMs overheat the northbridge?
One the other hand, does the NForce run hot if the FSB is not overclocked? (default clock AM2 system)
The ATI Xfire Xpress 3200 chipset seems to require much less in the way of cooling but in all the reviews I have read it suffers from slower southbridge supported features (Firewire, USB, etc) than comparative Intel or NVidia base mobos.