Hello all I need some help.
Please check my system for full spec.
I have basically been tinkering with my bios on my asus p5n-e sli board and caused it to lock up. I upgraded to the latest revision of the bios with little trouble version 0703 from 0608, and the comp had been running fine for a week or so however I lost all my overclock settings from 0608, but decided to leave it untill tonight.
I prefered the bios setting in 0608 so using the asus ez flash method that i used to upgrade my bios I wanted to put the 0608 back on. I carried out the same procedure as the upgrade and the bios said it checked out fine, then it said it wanted to restart.
However after the restart I get the post beep the screen comes on but only as far as the asus default boot screen and then the system hangs. I have tried switching on off repeatedly, turning of power for 20 mins and restarting and removed the bios battery from the pc but all to no avail, i still cant get past this boot screen. How can I either reset my board or get it to boot up. I have some important data that needs to be handed in on thursday so worst comes to the worst ill buy a new motherboard and plug in my old hd to get it off, however i just want to get the pc working again, any help is much appreciated.
Thanks Tom