I have a gigabyte DS3P with an E4300 running at 300fsb x 9 (2.7ghz). Tagan 480W PSU and 8800GTS.
Just had a power outage and my PC obviously lost power (no UPS).
When i tried to switch back on, I'd get a weird beep which I haven't heard before and nothing.
a few more tries, the beep changed but still nothing.
eventually it managed to boot but it had lowered the clock speed of my E4300 back to default. all the other settings seem to stay the same.
I go into the bios and check the PC health and next to 3.3v it says "Fail" in bright red.
I tinkered with the fsb voltage and 3.3v went back to "OK".
tried to boot windows it crashed and the 3.3V went back to fail.
My clock speed is back down to 1.8 and 3.3v says "OK" and windows is now running.
And now for God knows what reason the power cut out again. And now the PC is totally refusing to switch on. I started getting that beep again, so i reset the cmos, and now it switches on for 3-4 seconds then off again then on again then off again then on again etc.
Anyone please help!
Could it be this 3.3 V fail. what is that exactly?