Man, someone buys you a zen garden (mini sand pit pretty much) and when you have to squeeze your new system next to a laptop, you move your sand pit to the shelf above..... I knew if I left it there I would drop it on something important, but I thought I had at least a few more days to go before I screwed up, but no, I just dropped sand all over the keyboard of my laptop, and thats impossible to get out of the keys, and to make matters worse I clean up everything but the keyboard, and as soon as the keboard gets moved it drops a fresh load... anyone got any great tips for this one, its 2 in the morning, i need my laptop for work (even though its my laptop) so I have to blag it tommorow, so it ggives me friday to tidy the thing up properly.... BUT I NEED HELP
And to make matters even worse I just got sand in my eye..... im going to sleep..... I suck