Similar to Wyoming's post, I need to upgrade on a budget, however, since mine is a different budget and a much older system, I thought it would be best to start a new thread instead of hijacking his.
OK, as you can see, my system is pretty damn old. It still runs modern games reasonably well (albeit on low settings) but I am finding my system is just hanging now on every day tasks which annoys the hell out of me, and as gaming is my number one use on the PC, the load times and shameful FPS hurt me on all games.
So, I'm looking to upgrade, mainly the motherboard and CPU, for as little as possible, under £200 preferably. I don't mind which CPU (i.e. I'm not an Intel or AMD fanboy) as long as it's a dual core 64 bit chip, like the AMD Athlon 64 X2's or the Intel Core 2 Duo's.
Now, I read about the following board and wondered what people's thoughts on it are for an upgrade option:
ASRock Motherboard - Product - 4CoreDual-SATA2 R2.0 - Overview
With this board (around £40) I could get something like a C2D E4500 (around £70) and use my existing RAM and graphics card with the possibility of upgrading both RAM and graphics card in the future since this board can accepts DDR and DDR2 and has AGP and PCI-E expansion slots.
Is this a viable option, or would it be better to just bite the bullet, spend a little more and upgrade everything in one go?
Also, I presume using SATA drives on a board with SATAII connections is OK?
Thanks in advance!