Hello all.
I have been going through a period of late where I feel the need to upgrade.
Memory, CPU, and Mobo.
Have been >< close to upgrading, but then I ask myself..why...
I feel that so many of us upgrade our pcs frequently when a lot of the time, the actual real world benefit from doing so isnt there.
Ive fairly recently upgraded my gfx card from a lowly Gf3 ( 3 yrs of service - I salute you), to a 6800 gt.
Do you all remember about a yr ago, ppl were frantically upgrading their gfx cards believing that Half Life 2 would soon be upon them?
There were a few voices that said..wait for the game to appear, and lo and behold we find that the current gfx cards run hl2, doom3, fry cry etc, very well indeed.
Still only running an athlon barton 2800+, now the Athlon 64s are great, and a worthwhile upgrade, but when do u consider that a 2800+ still gives you a perfectly good gaming experience when coupled with a decent gfx card, you may well ask yourself...
Is spending approx 500 quid ( cpu + mobo + decent memory) worth an extra 20 or so more fps in the game of your choice when the setup you have is perfectly capable of playing the game you like to play?
I guess the moral of this is: Upgrade when you cant play the games you want
the way they were meant to be played...
Not a question of money...I can well afford to upgrade what I wish to, but when you think what that money could be used for instead..eg a camcorder, etc...it tends to put things into perspective.
Dont get me wrong im not dissing upgraders..i am one myself....just sometimes I think its worth taking a step back and think...hmm is this upgrade worth it?
My 2p worth.