Ok, Im a spoilt student that has been blessed with a student loan. yay. I have a spare £600. Lucky me.
Now as some of you money analysists may know, the current exchange rate for the Pound against the Dollar is now at a peak, I think its $1.80 to the pound.
Now, Do I take my chances on something like Ebay and getsomething like:
Sony Vivo? (something like this)
P4 2.8 533fsb
512ram pc2100
40G HD
Ati Mobilty Radeon (64mb shared)
....and all the usual bits n bobs
all this for around $900 which works out at about £500. First hand of course. It says these things come with international warranty.
Now the thing is, if something does happen, like something is faulty, its gonna be a ball ache to get fixed. Plus I'd be buying off a stranger in a different country forget ratings lol.
Get a laptop from my cousins firm for £600 atm. But I think the laptop wont include such gooder agp card nor processor and half the RAM...
However, if something does go wrong, I send it straight back and get it replaced within a week, no charge of course. Plus i will feel confident it will work
Opinions please !