just dryice and ethanol.. the key is the dryice contaier and I believe I have one of the most efficant ones anywhere..
heres the rest of my work and I almost have 3.2ghz stable for pifast and super pi 1m=8m
all the talk of LN2 and casacade for the fx51 is crap my chip is a cool running monster, but also doesnt need much vcore to run high clocks..
I will have pic's next week like these here done on my a64 at 2.9-3ghz next week with a new record pifats of 37s range and some 26s 1m and I will also upload my 8m at 4m-58s and the other benches i have run since those above
here smy k8v+3400+ setup fx51 is exactly the same with improved dryice contaier of course.