I have brought a second hand Lian Li PC-S80 for a bargain, case review below
I plan to put "My System" into it this weekend, however the case does have a the old Lian Li Airflow design
The front and rear 120mm fans are all intake and the rear fan has a CPU cooler shroud, at the top of the case there is a 10-15cm gap above the PSU to catch the warm air and exhaust it with a 80mm fan, and according to the reviews it seems to work fine with rigs that don't generate loads of heat (like mine) and makes for a very quiet machine, so would like to stick to this setup; at first anyway.
Only glitch is my CPU cooler is a Zalman 9500AT, & I think the Lian Li shroud idea is more designed towards downward (towards motherboard) blowing CPU coolers
With this cooler there would be no point directing the airflow to the back of the case as usual as this would counteract the intake fan, so what would people advise the best orientation of the CPU cooler?
1. Blowing air up into the PSU (Corsair VX450)
2. Oriented the same as the rear intake so blowing air towards the front of the case for it to rise to the top area to be expelled as per the design.
I don't fancy changing the CPU cooler for a downward blowing one as I've only had it a month or so and don't want to keep spending more money
There is a 3rd option and thats to reverse the rear 120mm fan, but thats not really how the case was designed.
I know I could also try all 3 but I don't have much spare time at the mo.
I still have Vista installed on the PC so what would be a couple of good (FREE) Temp monitoring programmes I could use to test the setup??
Anyone else with this case, how have you got it setup?