That's a fairly basic but good video.
The methord for grounding himself he's useing is to touch the two exposed earth pins on a US (I think it's US) power socket, should be absolutely as there should be no live power on the earth of a power socket (if there is then you need to get an electriction to look at your wireing at once)
However as UK power sockets don't have exposed earth, it's not that helpful and is dangerous if you stick your fingures in the wrong part of the socket.
Best way I've found is touch a radiator as central heating systems are generally earthed.
couple of other basic tips,
-Give yourself room/space to work in.
-The boxes thing come in are handy for keeping track of bits and peices
-Wash your hands before you start building, but don't moisterise (that will actually cover your hands in grease, basic washing up liquid is a very good degreasent)
-Try not to driectly touch any pins or connectors.
-A large aftermarket cooler makes a good handle to lift a motherboard up by when lowering it into the case