I'm sorry - that comment of mine was a bit flippant - I guess what I meant was that it seemed a lot of trouble to go to when you could buy something off the shelf - but that detracts from the spirit of the project - "I'll do it because I can"!
So to try and add some
useful advice... Remember that hot air rises, so you really want the fan extracting air at the top, so you will need feet to raise it off the surface it is standing on - and ventilation holes for cool air to be drawn in. (You could just as easily have the fan at the bottom.
You might find that with the cutout at teh top you get enough natural convection to keep the drive cool, but with regards to the fan size, larger fans tend to be quieter, and you probably don't need a high airflow, so a slimline 80 or 120 would probably fit the bill.
(They did sell a slower speed version (quieter) but seems to have been discontinued.)