Been asked to spec up a system with a budget of £1000, but hte catch is he won't be buying it all at once. He will be buying £500 of it first, then the rest as he gets the money. He does want a nice case and some nice case mods which could easily cost £150 alltogether, he liked the i-cute last time i asked.
Anyway. We will be ordering the first £500 soon, so wondering what to go for, CASE, PSU, graphics, mobo, CPU, ram? As the items on the market may be better when he orders the rest so want to wait until the last minute to order the things which will be replaced sooner. It will be overclocked but not alot, so air cooling should be sufficient.
Edit: The system will be used for everything; Gaming, Working, Downloading etc. Also, he did want a large TFT but i suggested having a dual 17" CRT setup instead which would work out cheaper.