Hi can you ps help? I am going to sell my 4800+ toledo, Asrock dual sata mobo and upgrade to:
- AMD Phenom II X6 1050t
- ASUS M4A89GTD PRO/USB3upgrade
- Corsair Memory XMS3 4GB DDR3 PC3-12800 (1600) Dual Channel Desktop
The PC will not be used for gaming, it will be used for pic/video editing (Adobe cs5) I also do not want to OC. I am hoping to keep my 2 HD (Samsung spinpoint sata2 250GB & Maxtor diamond 10 Pata 200GB) The samsung will be for OS and the maxtor for storage. But i am concerned these may hold the system up as they are a few years old. Also i am hoping to keep my Hiper Type-R 580W (specs on below link) . My case is a thermaltake soprano and comes with the std thermtake fans (side and back). Would all these items be OK or would i need to spend more ps? Many thanks