Hello, oh gurus of the PC,
An answered question I require of thee,
I need an upgrade; it’s easy to see,
But I bid you: share your knowledge with me,
With a Slot 1 550MHz Pentium 3, I contend,
Struggling with a GeForce 2 MX (32Mb) to no end,
A motherboard capable of only AGP 2x, a 200w PSU,
128Mb of RAM, and a 10Gb HDD that certainly isn’t new,
Is it worth (Considering with thought),
An Athlon XP 3200 being bought,
Along with new Mobo, new RAM, and all,
To make my PC fly and not stall,
Should I favour a Pentium four?
Or a wait a month, maybe more?
Are AMD’s 64bits up to scratch?
Buying one would certainly take the shirt from my back!
There is one problem and it isn’t rare
You see, my pockets…they are bare,
I just can’t afford to upgrade (BTX, PCI Express) again in a years time,
So should I just wait and see what comes down the line?
If this is the case, then I ask you this:
Is there any (£250 Budget) way to return me to gaming bliss?
Help! I ask you as a last resort,
For too long with this problem have I fought…