Last week, my brother got a load of computer parts (which he chose) for xmas. This thread concerns 3 of those parts:
* The case
* The motherboard
* The floppy/card reader drive
I don't think he realised that his internal floppy drive used up the USB plug on the motherboard, which is a rectangular plug with 9 holes. Therefore, I thought he wouldn't be able to use the two USB ports on the side of his case as that's where I thought they connect to. I only thought this because that's where my case USB's went in. When I went to chack his case however, I couldn't find a similar plug, instead I found a white one with two holes in.
I'm not sure if any of that would have made sense.
Anyway, it doesn't mention a USB plug with 2 holes in it in the motherboard manual - only the one with 9 holes. However, on the board, below the socket where the 7 holes USB plug goes is a 2 holed socket. Is that for the case USB's or for something else?
That probably didn't make much sense, so if you have questions, just ask . In the mean time, I'll try and find a picture of what I mean.
I've thought about how to put it more now, so this should make more sense:
You can see that is the USB socket. The plug from the floppy would go into there. The USB's on the case have only a 2 holed plug. My question is where would that be plugged into? There is a possible slot to the top-right of the USB - you might just be able to see it in the photo. Could it go there?
I've put blue dots over each of the pins to make them clearer. To the right, there's a plug (JLED1), and to the left of that is the mystery plug with just 2 pins.
The motherboard is the same one that's in my sig.