Ive just installed speedfan and this is the reading for the 12v rail:
and the -12V rail is -9.07v!
Can this be right? I have a Leadtek K7NCR18D Pro motherboard and the psu happily ran 2 hard drives, 2 optical drives, 3 case fans, a silent boost hsf and a 6800gt agp and an Athlon Xp 2800+ overclocked to 2275Mhz.
When I look in bios or use Leadteks own speedgear utility they do not display the 12v reading *they do show the 3.3v and 5v)
Ive had no system instability, is it just a bad reading or my motherboard doesnt show 12v readings properly?
I find it hard to believe the pc would boot properly, never mind run stably as it has done.