the dfi board is a bit more buggy is it not? At least that is what I have heard.
You can't have 2 ati x800xls together in an sli board, you will need to wait for the Corssfire motherboards to come out along with special crossfire graphics cards.
The Asus will do that overclocking fine, its not the king of overclockers but still pretty good
afaik. With that RAM you will need to use ram dividers as I dont think that RAM will go to really high clocks speeds.
The A64 multiplier is locked upwards so you cannot increase the multi, only decrease it. To overclock you need to boost the FSB/HTT but there are a few other things to take care of also. There are a bunch of good guides around, I cant remember where they are, hopefully someone else will be able to point you in the right direction.