SB75G2 with latest BIOS
1gb PC4000 Geil Ultra RAM,
2.4ghz P4,
Uprated PSU (250w)
Lapped and Arctic Silvered ICE system,
Radeon 9800 AIW (TV card etc) - stock fan replaced with better (cant remember the name right now but i'll confirm it tonight),
NEC ND1300a DVD burner (stealthed)
Replaced Northbridge Heatsink fan with a Zalman heatsink
Replace the rear fan with a Noiseblocker S3 (including Rheostat control)
Remove the rear fan grills
No HDs (im keeping them :-))
Ive still got all of the replaced parts so you can revert to standard should you want to????. Also got all of boxes, manuals etc for everything still. This machine is an unscratched beauty. Ive tried to make her as quiet as possible with doing as little damage.
Selling because ive got some repairs to do on my car
Whats she worth?