I just went from a socket 754 A64 3000 to Socket 939 A64 3000. Both motherboards are DFI nf3 and nf4 respectively.
After installing the new nf4 I came to power up and there was nothing. Assumed mobo was DOA so tried connecting power to DFI nf3 and the same, nothing. So I tried a different power cable and the red LED came on. Tried it in the nf4 DFI and as soon as I plugged the power cable into the back of the PSU (Tagan, 430w I think) there was a bright flash and the lovely smell of roast PSU.
Now the tricky part. I didn't have the power cable connected to the motherboard at this time, only the 4-pin 12v connector, a molex connector, and the fdd style power connector (both a requirement on the DFI 939 mobo for some reason) so I'm at a loss as to why the PSU blew, I hadn't even pressed the power on!
The onyl thing I can think is that the molex, fdd connector and another molex plugged into one of the 7800GTX connections were all on the same cable although I can't see why this would blow a PSU.
Any suggestions as to what could cause this? As far as I can tell there's no shorting problems with motherboard and case (it's identical to the previous setup) and everything was connected as before, the only difference being the nf4 uses extra power connectors whereas the nf3 does not.
I've just ordered a new PSU however I'm a little paranoid it'll get blown up immediately again so any help is appreciated.