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Thread: Sempron 3400 Nebie Overclocking

  1. #1
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    Sempron 3400 Nebie Overclocking

    Hi there, i have just upgraded from a barton 2500 which i was running at 3200 speeds to a new sempron 3400 on a dfi ut 250 mobo. Im not entirley sure how the HTT thing works but I have used cpu id, and after tweaking my dram setting I have my CPU running at 2500 ghz, 1.47 vcore, im not sure what ratio I have it on but cpuid says my dram is approx 171.22., fsb 250.

    Note my Ram is boggy ddr400, hence the reason why i cant run it 1:1.

    Im pretty chuffed with my results so far, however it seems to easy!! is my cpu really running at this speed or is this just an illusion.

    my cp at idle approx 40c

    any ideas should i go further?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Dark Horse's Avatar
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    As you have a dfi mobo the best place to start would be the official dfi forums. They're pretty good, just make sure you put your system specs into your signature otherwise the mods get a bit ratty.

    Bit late and brain hurts to try and explain athlon64 overclocking, best thing to do is to search the internet for guides and also look for reviews of your processor as they often overclock in reviews so can give you an idea of what to expect.

    Looks like good work so far though, 2500mhz with only 1.47v isn't half bad!

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