I just finished rewiring my system inside out. After I sorted everything out I fired up the system. The first time I press the power button I smell some burning smell. I of course cut the power asap. Found out I didn't plug in the extra molex for my NF4 SLI-D. I plugged it and found no graphics. And the 6600GT didn't seat in properly. Third boot up into windows I found no audio. Then I realise I seated my Audigy2 ZS shifted outward!!!
___|------------|---| <---PCI Slot
___|---|--------|---| <---Audigy2ZS PCI Fingers
|---|--------|---|___ <---That was how I fitted it.
_ means nothing
I'm wondering if there are any potential risks? The system appears to work fine though. I wish there are softwares that can check hardware faults (detecting small faults, kind of like memtest for ram)