I have a Shuttle SN41G2 XPC which has worked just fine until recently. About 3 weeks ago, I got a new screen, the Samsung SyncMaster 213T to replace my SyncMaster 191T. Since then, the XPC has been performing weird. Some time it would boot up, then freeze before I could log in, some time it would freeze during the day when I wasn't around, some time it would not boot at all (the fans and HD would spin up, but the big system fan would stay at full speed, never reducing rotation speed, and no picture would ever be shown on the screen (normally the main fan would spin up, then reduce RPM again, then the standard initialization screen would be visible on screen).
Today, I started the XPC, went to do something and when I came back, it had frozen at the login screen. I reset it, and since then, it will freeze at the point where the main fan rotates at full speed. There never is any picture on the screen, so the PC never makes it past post. The CPU led is green, and there are no bios beeps that would indicate any kind of an error so I'm at a loss of ideas. I have started removing add-in cards and non essential IDE devices but I still can't get past the point where the fan starts turning at normal speed and the BIOS displays CPU frequency, RAM and installed IDE devices.
Does anybody have an idea what could be wrong?