Now that it seems the UK retail stock of Opteron dual core (165, 170) has been exhausted for good, I was wondering if anyone has ordered one of these from the USA, where they still seem to have some residual stocks?
I haven't ordered from a US retailer before, and I was wondering what sort of excess payments I can be expected to pay to the courier on delivery? Presumably an item of this value will incur VAT, and import duty, and perhaps a documentation/charge-collection fee?
I know Scan have 144 and 146s in, but my heart was set on a dual core
I'm beginning to think that for all the hassle obtaining an Opty is, an X2 3800+ from a UK source may be a better choice. Then again thats probably what AMD want!
Edited to change tryping mistale in line one, 175 changed to 170