I have an Abit IC-7 and almost every review complains about the clicking noises with the onboard sound. I noticed the faster the FSB the louder the clicks!! When I was overclocking a 533Mhz FSB chip at 640FSB it was barely noticeable. On my new 2.4C at 800Mhz FSB it was somewhat noticeable. At 1200Mhz it got even more noticeable, so I went out and got an Audigy LS.
Anyway, I'm still hearing some popping/cracking noises sometimes.(not nearly as bad) I was wondering if it may be a PCI latency issue especially since Im at such a high FSB, maybe I should increase it from 32 to 64 (it lets you increase in increments of 1)
Or it could be something to do with the AGP/PCI locking going out at around 300Mhz FSB(1200) B/c I know something fishy definitely happens to the AGP over 301Mhz FSB.
Any ideas?