Think i may have corrupted my 160GB Samsung Spinpoint
Got a new motherboard today so i backed up the essentials onto CD and also onto 'my documents and downloads' partition
Installed the new motherboard and cpu, started it up and it was VERY slow. Got to windows setup, formatted D:\ (My original partition became C:\) and it coppied files, rebooted and then the same again
I realised my hard drive jumper was set to cable select so i put it on master instead. Now the speed issue was resolved, went through the same process of format, copying files, reboot but this time i get 'disk read error, please reboot'. This went over and over
I followed some suggestions i found through google including 'chkdsk /r', 'fixmbr' and 'fixboot'.
The result is a hard drive that i can't even install windows on.
Anyone got any ideas? Not sure how much warrent is left on the hard drive if worst comes to the worst
Forgot to say, i've tried replacing the cable with no luck and the mobo is an asrock 939DUAL SATA2 (99% sure its nothing to do with either after my googling)
On a more possitive note the warrenty expires March 2008