I'm building a Core2Duo E6400 at this very moment. I've installed the CPU, RAM and VGA card to test out the system.
I've plugged in the following:
- 24 pin motherboard power cable
- 4pin 12V atx cable (the one that powers the CPU)
- PCI-e x16 power cable on the motherboard (molex)
- molex power cable going to the VGA
- the case's power switch, power LED.etc.
- Scythe Ninja Plus's fan power cable(goes to a 3pin plug on motherboard PWR_FAN)
- And the rear fan power cable (molex)
I'vwe plugged in a monitor and keyboard and I switch on the machine. All the fans spin perfectly but there is nothing displayed on screen (amber LED on the screen and not green) and the keyboard's LED didn't do a "flash" sequence.
Could someone help me solve this problem? I'm running a Gigabyte DS4, Cosair PC5400 TwinX, Scythe Ninja Plus. Could it be because there is nothing plugged into the CPU_FAN socket on the motherboard (the 120mm fan on the Scythe don't have the 4 pin required on the motherboard)?
Thank You for your time!