Need help here iam between two motherboards which will both be used for gaming can somebody tell me if this motherboard P5WDG2-WS is good for gaming ive been hearing from some that is good from others that its not.Here is a link : http://uk.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=...94&modelmenu=1
Also could you give me your opinions on this motherboard ASUS P5W64 WS Professional?
Basicaly id like to know if this will be a good motherboard for gaming
Here is link: http://www.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=6635&page=1
PS :If it helps i will have 1Gb of ram,and the 1Gb XFX 7950GX2, PCI-E (x16), Extreme, Mem 1300 MHz, GPU 520 MHz, 48 Pipes, S-Video/2xDVI-I as a graphics card for my system.