OH guys....who told me I was a PC builder huh?
Idiot more like
Soltek Mini barbones PC (as in Tarinders review ) and an XP 1700 + which is good to go at 2600+ speed.......this mobo is nForce 2.
It wouldnt hold the multiplier settings, after powering down,,(see other thread) so I switched a jumper over to leave it at default.....
it worked...booted as a standard multiplier :hurrah:
then as I have got PC3200 from Crucial, I thought I'd up the FSB.....and off we went again.....lowered the CAS to 2....
Bear in mind it has built in graphics.....
bad boot and all pixels missing from the BIOS boot screen....
powered down real fast......waited for it to cool.....
reset CMOS (jumper AND rebooted with Insert held down, as per mobo manual)
came up with the first line of BIOS and then died....stuck there....
waited...powered down (6 seconds on the Power button)
and now it wont boot at all
Reset CMOS hundred times......took power lead out AND mobo power lead....left for over ten minutess,,,dead
took CMOS battery out......same...waited...dead.
Changed CMOS battery for the one in THIS PC....
WHAT@S WRONG? :really sad mode:
tried a PCI and an AGP card in.......but dead...
In ALL cases.....the fans power up.....the mobo makes approrotate noises (hence me trying the vid card incase melted built in one)....
mo go.....rebuilt THIS PC to get online...monitor fine...
sod this.....gonna go eat and drink.....
sadder days like this make me wonder about PC's...you ALL know what I mean
Cheers for reading...HELP!