Hi again folks, hoping for some ideas with a problem I'm having with a recent build... this might be a bit long..
Take a look at this:
This is for a 2.8Ghz P4C, running at stock 2.8 no oc no ov, the temps are jumping wildly between 45 & 60 under load (two instances of SETI). The drop off to ~35 is the no-load situation ie both SETIs stopped. I thought perhaps Speedfan was reading the wrong sensors, but this seems to match what I see in the BIOS, with even the no-load temps jumping madly in the BIOS health screens.
Surely I'm not mad to think the temp should be pretty steady, no? It's about 39 (+/-2) under load in another P4C I built a few months back (a 2.6 oc'd to 3.275), and about 28 with no load.
The HSF is a Zalman CNPS7000-Cu, as in my other PC, and I sure didn't expect this kind of weirdness. I initially thought I'd mounted it wrong - eg bad application of Ceramique, getting air trapped under it when trying to screw the thing down etc. However have remounted about 4 times now with the same results. Last night I resorted to fitting the stock Intel HSF (untouched with TIM!) and unsurprisingly the results are worse. So I guess duff HSF is out of the equation now.
The mobo is an EPOX 4PDA2+ Deluxe v2 and I'm now wondering if the fault lies here. My current plan of attack is to switch the CPUs between my ASUS P4P800 and this EPOX and see if the 'good' 2.6 runs funny in the EPOX and hopefully the 2.8 will run stably in the ASUS. If this is what happens then I have a dodgy mobo, otherwise I know the CPU is at fault. Sounds like a sensible plan, no?
My CPU temp expectations aren't mad are they? I've had the system up to 3.5Ghz (250fsb 1:1) but you can imagine what happened with the reported temps! I didn't leave it at 3.5 for long
How are the temps reported to the BIOS? Is there a sensor in the CPU itself? I'd guess so and that this'd be how the thermal throttling works, no? I think I'm seeing this even at stock (SETIQueue reports total time vs CPU time and gives an 'efficiency' which is much lower than for the other PC)
Anyone seen this kind of thing before? Any ideas suggestions welcomed!