Well I have no idea. 1 or 2 passes of memtest = fine. I've done windows memtest at like 450fsb to 300% coverage...fine. Now when I run Orthos with blend I get errors after an hour...three times in a row. Now when I ran Orthos with Large FFTs I get no errors after 6 hours (I've ran it a few times over the last week) each time it's gone over 6-7 hours. I have tried it with 44412 and with auto, I have used 2.1/2.2/2.3 volts. I have no idea what on earth the problem is. I have had "ram performance" on normal and turbo.
At the moment I'm running 400*7 for 2.8ghz on my E6300. At the moment I'm really tempted to RMA it and get some Corsair 8500 stuff as I'm REALLY annoyed.
Any help would be appreciated. Oh and surely if I sent it back then they probably wouldn't even find a fault as memtest comes up clean, or do I need to leave it for lots of passes (surely 1 or 2 is enough?).
Also check Geil's sham of a support forum: