Hello all, long time no speak.
I recently got my PC up and running after a few months with a power supply change as my old one had burnt out after 4/5 years of use. Anyway, a few years ago when I upgraded from windows ME to windows XP my Cambridge Soundworks dtt2200 audio system stopped working properly. I've finally decided to avoid the problem and headphones by posting here to try and get it fixed (since you guys know your stuff.)
Whilst all 5 speakers and subwoofer used to work with ME, when I upgraded to windows XP things went a bit messy, and now only 2 speakers work, not sure which two from memory but basically all 5 aren't functioning and I've tried changing a few configurations around.
This is a problem I remember people complaining about when upgrading to XP or using speakers that were designed for operating systems before XP was released at all.
Heres some background info on the speakers (they are sure to have been discontinued as they were supplied with my pc in 2001).
and a review.
I am sure this is not a hardware problem but a software problem such as configuration or drivers. If anyone has any idea or what I need to download software/driver wise I'll be very happy as they are still a great little set of speakers. Cheers!