I thought I'd do a little track to demonstrate how to use the F-15 to knock out several Migs simultaneously. Once you get used to the quirks with the Radar and AMRAAMS, the F-15 is a truly awesome bit of kit, especially with its ability to track and fire on multiple targets.
In the track you will see it is quite straightforward, but tricky all the same - Multiple contacts often show up as only 1, particularly when flying in close formation - for the purpose of this demo I spaced them out a bit.
What you see here is me firstly gaining a slight altitude advantage to give my missiles a bit more energy - then I point the radar cone down to paint the contacts below. The default radar mode is RWS (Range While Scan) - by hitting Alt-I it switches to TWS (Track while scan), showing the contacts and their altitude.
You can see the difficulty here is designating the individual targets without undesignating the previous one - I eventually get it lol
As I get in range I merely fire off a succession of shots, as each AMRAAM leaves it automatically tracks the next taget. I fire the 4th one for luck - result - 3 dead Migs
3 out of 3
Put the track in your \Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Missions\Tracks\Demo folder.