I hate Steam at times
Steam is a great idea but it can also be a pain in the butt when it comes to installing games, take for example COD MDW#2... I nearly had a fit of anger when it would not install and if there is one thing which really grinds my gears and that is being ripped off when it comes to putting out money for something which will not install. First of all I thought it was me but I found it a little comforting to know there are other people out there having the same issues as me.
I had to install the first CD 3 times before it would start to install the game, first of all Steam would not respond because it was busy? then it could not make a connection then it started to install and stopped 20% through so I cancelled installation and started again. Eventually after the third time round all of the sudden it installed great. What a pain in the butt Steam is, it's one of those things you either love or hate or even both I'm kind of in the middle where I hate it and love it at the same time. Time to get on with the game