Could all Marlins report in please!
oh.... and by the way... as things are going well atm, I think its time to open up the doors to some new members.
Stoo.. cesium.. vapokillar?! what you say?
Could all Marlins report in please!
oh.... and by the way... as things are going well atm, I think its time to open up the doors to some new members.
Stoo.. cesium.. vapokillar?! what you say?
Yes pleeeez
Last edited by Cesium; 05-11-2003 at 07:26 PM.
just adding you to MSN.. hope youve got it
Welcome to Marlins Ces
Last edited by Dakaras; 05-11-2003 at 07:34 PM.
(Yeah, it's a crappy addy, but there wasn't much else free )
lol Dak
Welcome aboard pilot officer [MA]Cesium... more info to follow for you my son! As Dak was saying earlier.. could all new bomber boys report to Tumble and fighter Jocks to Dak.. Choose wisely... and remember that we require fighter jocks at all time for VEF2.. so if youre gonna be a bomber boy.. i need to see you fling a yak round aswell
I'm sure you know everyoine all ready.. so make yourself at home.. and Ill see you in the Mess HUt for a briefing later
Stoo... adding ya to MSN now
any chance of adding me to the mess hut dude? can't access it
DOne KNOxeh . eh eh eh eh
Last edited by Hat; 05-11-2003 at 09:05 PM.
i would be privalged to join
vap0k177@r-22.C willing and ready
is teamspeak neccesary tho?
Reporting In.
Vapo... absolutely vital sir.. im afraid its a requirement of the squad for VEF2 and future squad matches..
We've had far too many plane losses and too many young pilots lost to unecessary typing deaths... such a waste of good talent
Catch you on MSN in a bit
Are you on MSN?
Last edited by Hat; 05-11-2003 at 09:20 PM.
Still waiting for the netwings registration to go through
check your junkmail box.. as youre on notsohotmail
Äîáðî ïîæàëîâàòü Êàìðàäû. Äëÿ êîíöîâ ñîáàêè âîþÿ, âû íå ñìîãëè ñäåëàòü áîëåå ëó÷øå ÷åì ïîñëåäîâàòü çà ïðèìåðàìè Dak's.
Hat øàõòà ïîëåçíîé èíôîðìàöèè ñëèøêîì, îí íå çíàåò î çàáûòûõ ñðàæåíèÿõ íå worth çíàòü!
Ïîñìîòðèòå âíå äëÿ Trig õîòÿ, ñïåöèàëüíî åñëè îí ðàçâåâàåò è óñìåäåòñÿ íà âàñ ïîêà äåðæàù áàê Vaseline.
lol.. wp deck
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