I'm currently testing a p320 tiny at work and encountering a couple of odd issues.
First I must say wow this thing is tiny and is packing an i7-7700t, 16gb ddr4, m.2 ssd and a quadro P600 2gb graphics card
First thing I noticed was when I reimaged it, it got very hot.
When doing some testing I've noticed a couple of odd behaviours.
CPU always runs at max speed, max turbo speed so always runs at 3.8ghz even at idle, under full load this will drop 2.8hgz.
There are a couple of issues going on, to start with speed step doesn't seem to work, it is on in the BIOS turning turbo off in the bios it just sits at 2.9ghz at idle.
This unit does run toasty cpu 55-60c range at idle peaking to 80-85c under load, changeing the bios fan setting to performance knocks it down to 50-55c idle, 75-80c load + fan more noisy
Under load with bios fan setting to quiet, the cpu will thermal throttle hard, Aida64 showing spikes of up to 50%
with fan on performance setting, thermal throttleing spikes of 20%
What is odd is spikes in the cloock speed, under load it will drop to 800mhz in spikes, I first thought this is thermal throttling as they occure more often on the lower fan speed setting, however I'm also wondering if it could be power related? could it be the VRM's?
ALso to note, sometimes the thermal throttling is more constant (shown in Aida64) and the clock speed dips don't occure/occure less often.
All told while the specs are great and it's a tiny system I think it's just too much for the small cooler to handle.
The cooler is fins, heat pipes and a blower fan, like a reference graphics card, with a seperate heat pipe connect a large aluminium block on the graphics card (covering gpu+ram+vrm)
If they made the case a bit thicker so the cooler could be a bit bigger this would be a great machine, as it stands the i5 version might be better.