Hi All
I have just rebuilt an old system with some new components and all is working great but want to make sure that I won't kill the PSU in the process.
It is a 300w Octigen unit and I was considering upgrading if required.
The system is not top spec but it does have a few things hanging from it:-
Athlon II X3 445 with MSI M880-E41
2X 2GB Kingston Ram
2TB Samsung Drive
320gb SATA drive
160gb IDE drive
DVD burner
Do I need a different PSU? and if so what is a good budget choice but also going to survive.
Guessing something like this 500w unit from http://www.amazon.co.uk/500-WATT-ATX...3182979&sr=8-1 is a bit of an unknown quantity but these may be a better option? (or simply not worth it?)