Betty! i am really surprised. i agree with the notion that the current political system is corrupt however i am surprised that you have not proposed a different system.
the current system of government rests upon a core of capitalism, a corrupt system run by the corporations who fund their political servants.
the fact is that we are no longer living in democracy but an effective plutocracy whereby the rich influence the political parties or in the case of america are fully embedded within the party (BUSH)to form a government not run for the people but run for the companies.
i believe that the only way that we can overcome the current state of tyranny (company and state enforced and financed wars) is by establishing a new world order, nothing NWO or Illuminati but a world government based on pure socialism, only then can we ensure fair standards and conditions for people all over the world.
Coincidentally i believe that the Lib dems should have a go because labour and the conservatives are fully invested in by the big companies which means that their policies must be corporate friendly which is really quite ironic for Labour seeing how the Labour party was setup by the trade unions to combat corporate power.
UKIP although i am a member of the party i only agree with the one policy which they currently hold which is withdrawl from the EU to combat tyrannical Federalism which is more a kin to imperialism than a truely democratic govt. aside from that UKIP are the scum of the earth, a core of hardline conservative extreemists whose only chance of winning the election is a large following of neo-nazi extreemists hell bent on the repatriation of law abiding citizens.