So how much of a difference do you think this will make to the people of iraq ?
So how much of a difference do you think this will make to the people of iraq ?
That's gotta be all good really, hasn't it? If I was an Iraqi I'd feel better innit?
<sig removed by Agent - You should know better mate! >
I know where you spawn!
Illegitimi non carborundum
Pronounced: NO-lee NO-teece per-mee-TAIR-ray TEH tuh-RAIR-ay!
I suspect you'd have to have been living under the Saddam regime to really be able to answer that.
My suspicion is that it is a good startand an important step towards a better life for a people, goodness only knows, could do with it. but as long as saddam is out there, I'm not usre how much difference it'll make.
If Saddam himself is caught or killed, however, then these two bieng out of the picture could well make a very large difference to the country.
A lot of people may be reluctant to cross them while they were alive, just on the offchance that they somehow come back to power - and start settling scores. That isn't terribly likely now.
It's certainly a shot in the arm for GWB. Just as support for continuing American presence in Iraq was waining and people were calling for the UN to be brought in threatening to undermine ole Dubya, he gets a "result".
It'll also have a large positive effect on the Iraqi people. Saddam is an old man and his sons were being groomed to take over once he had popped his clogs. However with them gone, hopefully so too will be a lot of support for a Ba'athist revival. However I hope people don't overplay the effect it will have - it's not going to massively change things overnight. What it will do, as I've mentioned above, is increase morale both in the allied troops out there and back in the US.
sounds like they had the rubbishrubbishrubbishrubbish kicked out of them especially if they needed to indentify them with dental records.
And you hear they needed to go at the building 3 times before they managed to get in!!.
I'm not too sure about "needing" dental records. The US military apparently are going to release photos to prove they have the brothers. Dental records are a good way of making sure you have who you say you have rather than a lookalike. Remember David Kelly died from slitting his wrists yet it still took the police half a day minimum to formally identify him, prompting all sorts of rumours.
it's a good thing that they are dead, as they were evil bastards. the only thing that needs to be watched is how the americans are controlling iraq behind the scenes. they have troop presence in the parliament thingy meetings, this can't be a good thing as the iraqi's are being allowed to find piece in their own way, but being forced to follow american ways.
if war is the answer, then we are asking the wrong question
2 things i hate the most - xenophobia and the french
I believe that its a good thing they have been killed. The things uday did th othe national footy team made me sick. This news may also relieve some of the pressure on bush and blair for results regarding womd. This is unfortunate because if they find nothing now the americans are answerable to nobody but for us, there is the rest of europe to worry about
How is that any different from the iraqis releasing photos of dead US soldiers? Talk about make the rules up as you go along AmericaOriginally posted by Zathras
The US military apparently are going to release photos to prove they have the brothers.
On the other hand, im SOOOOOO glad they got them, evil evil evil bstrds.
Last edited by Bindibadgi; 25-07-2003 at 04:27 PM.
I dont like sig pics so i turn off sigs Which doesnt help when i dont know what ive written here! DOH!
I think it's an absoloute outrage that the US has done this. It's not going to change the situation in the slightest imo.
The Iraqi people will probably still view the US as an occupying force just as they always have done.
First off - can we calm the language a little?
I guess the problem is that the US is desperately trying to prove to the Iraqis that they have indeed nailed them. There's no other way for people to believe it unless they see it with their own eyes.
As grim and nasty as it is, I guess they have their reasons. I also believe that they didn't release the pictures outside of Iraq, but to think they'd stay in Iraq alone is a little shortsighted.
Yea, its how the media has handled it, as usual, is the f*** up.Originally posted by Lowe
As grim and nasty as it is, I guess they have their reasons. I also believe that they didn't release the pictures outside of Iraq, but to think they'd stay in Iraq alone is a little shortsighted.
I dont like sig pics so i turn off sigs Which doesnt help when i dont know what ive written here! DOH!
I saw the pictures in the paper today, and im afraid you can still not be certain from them that they are of Qusay and Uday. Supposedly the Americans have run the necessary tests to prove it but that will remain to be seen........
Visual identification is no way of confirming their identities - it's merely propaganda, albeit of a not particularly evil or nasty kind. I'm not stating those killed are not Saddam's sons, but we all know how many body-doubles Saddam had, and the US admitted the photos were taken after significant facial reconstruction. Dental records and DNA tests would be a lot more conclusive but would sure lack the 'wow' factor in the press and would not be understood by a significant proportion of rural Iraqis.
well put.Originally posted by Zathras
Visual identification is no way of confirming their identities - it's merely propaganda, albeit of a not particularly evil or nasty kind. I'm not stating those killed are not Saddam's sons, but we all know how many body-doubles Saddam had, and the US admitted the photos were taken after significant facial reconstruction. Dental records and DNA tests would be a lot more conclusive but would sure lack the 'wow' factor in the press and would not be understood by a significant proportion of rural Iraqis.
The fact that so many people were brutalised by them, which ultimately lead to them living their lives in fear means many will still be reluctant to believe it. For example, take a look at the football team and what was done to them, do you think they are going to believe the word of people they see to be occupying their county without solid proof ?
Fear is a terrible thing, and it takes a long time to get rid of. If these people have the smallest doubt in their minds, that fear will still exist.
TBH i hope Saddam is dead now.
As much as he is evil, Losin 2 sons is a hard hitter aint it ?
I guess ITLR it will work out better, though America is gonna have to work very hard to cover its back now.
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