This may not seem the right place for a thread like this but i thought it slightly more serious than something for general disscusion, as anyone who goes into gd regularly will have noticed i've got my fair share of tatoo's and piercings but after looking around some of the websites i frequent i got to wondering what other peoples opinions on both tatoo's and piercings and more extreme body modification such as scarification , branding and suspension were.
Where do you guys draw the line between something thats seen as an improvment and something that you see as self abuse?
I'm personally quite open minded about itand am of the opinion that its your body and aslong as you don't hurt anyone in the process should be allowed to do what you want to it. I know though that people of older generations see things very differently. I ended up chatting to a guy in the pub a few weeks back after he noticed the piercings i used to have in my forearm, he saw it as me destroying myself for no real reason. The government obviously leans towards this stance aswell having made things such as genital piercing and branding and even the use of ethyl chloride and other anaesthetics used during body piercing dodgy legal area's to overcome.