If your a student, plenty of whom are at the debt maximum they can get (often thanks to poor financial planning, but hey we where all young once!) many people get stress related illnesses in their last few weeks of uni term time. This is also normally nearing the summer break when you can get a job again.
Plenty of uni's put very hard limits on the hours you can work too.
Add on the fact we are short of students in many disciplines, don't you think its a little un-fair that they can get lumbered with bills? My last round of NHS perscriptions cost me £40. As a student that was two weeks non rental expenses.
I guess if your parents are wealthy enough to be paying you to go to a good uni, because lets not forget the party you vote for decided that academic merit isn't enough to go to a good uni, you have to be able to afford the higher costs than portsmouth, then i guess its not a problem.
You have a real chip on your shoulder it seams about people learning in a structured environment. If we asked everyone to take some time out in the world, save up enough to go to uni, we would have such a cronic shortage of higher end staff the economy would be negatively impacted. Given that graduates earn more, its obvious they also get taxed more? Let alone if your a graddy your much more likely to be in the 40% bracket.
Cutting them some slack on essentail things like medication seams like a good idea?