I think it'd be more to the point to start imposing some limitations on lenders; low interest rates aren't being artificially maintained by the government, they're set independently by the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, the problem isn't the interest rates as far as house prices are concerned (except in the sense that they make stupidly high multipliers just about affordable - now, but maybe not later), it's that the lenders aren't imposing the old 3.5x your salary rule. They're lending 6 or 7 or more times salary, and that's partially responsible for really heating up the entry level of the property ladder. The other parts are lack of reasonable council housing, and a massive increase in buy to let. The former, the government could (and should) do something about - the latter, I'm not sure what the answer is, but I don't think monkeying with interest rates is going to solve it, since if they go up, the owners will just jack up rents to compensate.