I have bought a set of core i5 bits including the above P55-US3L motherboard and after inital setup and configuration it is now stuck in a reset/boot-cycle of ~3seconds on/off and nothing appears to reset the bios (suspect dodgy ram settings).
All of the following tried with minial bits plugged in (PSU 24+4 +12V, RAM and gfx only)
1. Tried RAM in another PC - posted fine
2. Tried different RAM in this mobo
- Tried the ram in all slots
3. Tried a different gfx card (known working)
4. Tried gfx card in another machine - posts fine
5. Tried resetting bios
- Removing battery + PSU + shorting CMOS pins
6. Holding down Power button for > 4secs
7. left it resetting for 10mins+ and no change
I dont have a way of proving the CPU but I dont think its the CPU.
Open to suggestions otherwise RMA please.