Hello ScanCare,
I bought the 'no brainer combo' on Saturday and had real problems getting the machine to even POST, it would power up then shut off then start back up then shut down and repeat.
I tried resetting the CMOS and checked connections etc. Eventually tried the bare system of just PSU, CPU & Cooler, One stick of Ram and onboard VGA. It then posted. Thought everything was ok so put the other stick in the Mobo in the Dual Channel slots as recommended in the Manual (Slots 1&2) and it started with the power cycling again. It will only let me use both sticks of Ram in Single Channel mode (Slots 1&3).
I've run Memtest86+ in Single Channel mode and both sticks pass. Have been able to install Windows 7 64bit etc and the system works but there is obviously something wrong if it won't run the memory as it should. What should I do from here?